Spent coffee grounds is not only a waste of potential but also an environmental and climate problem. The coffee grounds often end in landfills and emit greenhouse gases (methane), and it’s a shame.
With this project, we turn spent coffee grounds into a new ingredient by brewing beer from it.
To ensure a steady and food-safe supply for the brewery, we want to establish a value network that ensures a supply of coffee grounds for a medium-scale production of coffee beer (IPA & porter), as well as market development and consumer outreach.
The beer has been developed and a new and larger brewery is under construction.
Innovation partners

Spent coffee grounds is not only a waste of potential but also an environmental and climate problem. The coffee grounds often end in landfills and emit greenhouse gases (methane), and it’s a shame.
With this project, we turn spent coffee grounds into a new ingredient by brewing beer from it.
To ensure a steady and food-safe supply for the brewery, we want to establish a value network that ensures a supply of coffee grounds for a medium-scale production of coffee beer (IPA & porter), as well as market development and consumer outreach.
The beer has been developed and a new and larger brewery is under construction.
Innovation partners

If you have any questions to this project or wish to discuss an idea for an innovation project, please do contact us. We would love to meet you and discuss a partnership.